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The production complex of FACTORIA-AGRO is located in close proximity to main arterial roads and logistics centres, providing many competitive delivery options to our customers. It means that our products can be delivered to any place in Ukraine, and also to our foreign customers in a prompt manner and cost effectively.
Promptness of delivery is an integral part of our obligations on delivery of products to the customers and delivery of raw materials from the supplier. To be confident in the quality of transport that provides the delivery of cargos of raw food materials and finished products, we have established our own logistics service, which includes:
Types of vehicles:
Autliner semitrailers
- carrying capacity of up to 22 tons
- capacity of up to 90 m3
Grain trucks of different varieties
- top and rear load
- carrying capacity of up to 22 tons
- capacity of up to 63 m3
Vegetable oil tanker trucks
- carrying capacity of up to 20 tons
- capacity of up to 20 m3
Flour trucks
- capacity of up to 22 tons
- capacity of up to 30 m3
- carrying capacity of up to 22 tons
- capacity of up to 90 m3
- top and rear load
- carrying capacity of up to 22 tons
- capacity of up to 63 m3
- carrying capacity of up to 20 tons
- capacity of up to 20 m3
- capacity of up to 22 tons
- capacity of up to 30 m3
The company “FACTORIA-AGRO” supplies its products to more than 35 countries worldwide using different types of transportation:
Truck delivery
Container carriage
Consolidated cargo
Air delivery