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Production complex of FACTORIA-AGRO Company
Processing was put into operation in 2017
It is located in the very centre of Ukraine – Vyshgorod, Kyiv region.
Constructed with due regard to all requirements of international standards and equipped with the most modern machines
The production complex of Factoria-Agro Company includes:
- Strict incoming control of raw materials entering production;
- Truck weight scales with a capacity of up to 80 tons;
- Warehouses of silo and flat grain storage with a total capacity of over 40000 tons;
- A capacity of seed receiving and cleaning of up to 2000 tons per day;
- A system of temperature monitoring during storage;
- An automatic supply of raw materials into production.
- Oilseed cleaning line with a capacity of up to 90 tons per day;
- Oilseed processing line to produce oil and oil cake with a capacity of up to 80 tons of raw materials per day;
- Rye grain processing line to produce flour with a capacity of up to 80 tons per day;
- Innovative equipment, supplied by well-known German manufacturers BUHLER, PETKUS, CPM SKET;
- Stringent control at all stages of production;
- The quality of our products is confirmed with the expert reports of leading accredited laboratories.
- Tanks for the storage of vegetable oils with a capacity of up to 4000 tons;
- A system of automatic loading of vegetable oils in Euro-cubes, tanks and flexi-tanks;
- Sampling system at all levels of oil;
- Temperature controlled storage.
- Modern logistics center with a storage capacity of over 2000 pallets or 1600 tons of finished products;
- Complex equipped with a warehouse management system of commodity flows;
- Advanced system of prompt deliveries of finished products to our customers;
- Ecologically safe equipment for maintenance of the warehouse, which does not pollute the environment and the stored products;
- Convenient location in a suburb of Kyiv allows us to deliver products to our customers in a timely manner.