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Supplier documentation
- Required documents
- Delivery documents
To conclude the contracts for the delivery of their products, the suppliers have to provide the following documents:
- Copy of Certificate of state registration and Extract from the Unified State register;
- Copy of EDRPOU certificate (statistics);
- Copy of Certificate of VAT taxpayer registration or extract from the Unified State Register of VAT taxpayers/copy of Certificate of single taxpayer or fixed agricultural tax;
- Bank and postal details.
In addition to the general list of documents each agricultural producer should provide:
- Copy of certificate on the land ownership or rent with the identification of title, number, date and validity period of the document of entitlement.
- Copy of the completed form of state statistical monitoring No. 4-sg “Area under agricultural crops for harvest 2018” (annual), marked by the state statistical body with a note on this form acceptance;
- Standard form letter (on the letterhead, if available) from the producer, which confirms the origin of seeds, supplied by the Supplier according to the purchase and sale agreement with FACTORIA-AGRO, Ltd. or a copy of the certificate attesting the varietal and sowing characteristics of the seeds.
Each delivery of raw materials should be accompanied by the following documents
- Invoice
- Goods delivery note
- Consignment note
- Quality certificate from the producer
- Copies of laboratory protocols or other documents, attesting the content of pesticides, toxic elements, mycotoxins, radionuclides, presence or absence of GMO.