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Our mission
The main mission of our business is to extract value from oilseeds and grains, carefully protecting the environment, and to supply our customers with natural food products and ingredients of the highest quality.
When making decisions, we always draw on values and principles which we’ve been following since the establishment of our company.
In our work the greatest attention is paid to the technologies we use.
We have equipped our production complex with advanced and innovative machinery, applied our own technical know-how in processing and established a production chain which enables us to process raw materials with maximum efficiency, catering to the requests and demands of our customers.
We keep improving our products and processes, actively investing in technologies, software products, research, staff training and stimulation of staff interest in qualitative performance of their obligations.
Product qualityThe quality of products is a major priority in our business. Every year our specialists explore the fields of agricultural producers of Ukraine in order to select only the best raw materials. Our testing laboratory carries out careful control of the product quality at all production stages.
Customer-oriented approachCustomers are the main value of our company. We value and appreciate each of them and do our best to meet any demand: whether it is a nonstandard specification, individual payment terms, or a time limit for supply. We respond promptly to any request, study the client’s needs thoroughly and always seek the best solution for the customer.
Trust and integrityIn our work, we are always focused on building an open, mutually beneficial and long-term relationship with our customers and partners. Their trust is particularly valuable for us and more important than a one-off gain; hence, we always fulfil undertaken commitments
Sustainable development and innovation
In our work the greatest attention is paid to the technologies we use.
We have equipped our production complex with advanced and innovative machinery, applied our own technical know-how in processing and established a production chain which enables us to process raw materials with maximum efficiency, catering to the requests and demands of our customers.
We keep improving our products and processes, actively investing in technologies, software products, research, staff training and stimulation of staff interest in qualitative performance of their obligations.
The quality of products is a major priority in our business. Every year our specialists explore the fields of agricultural producers of Ukraine in order to select only the best raw materials. Our testing laboratory carries out careful control of the product quality at all production stages.
Customers are the main value of our company. We value and appreciate each of them and do our best to meet any demand: whether it is a nonstandard specification, individual payment terms, or a time limit for supply. We respond promptly to any request, study the client’s needs thoroughly and always seek the best solution for the customer.
In our work, we are always focused on building an open, mutually beneficial and long-term relationship with our customers and partners. Their trust is particularly valuable for us and more important than a one-off gain; hence, we always fulfil undertaken commitments