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+38 (044) 240-04-20
For dealers, agents and representatives
FACTORIA-AGRO Company has been constantly striving for growth and development, and invites for cooperation reliable partners, who have a clear understanding of the growth of our product sales in their region, are willing to work and earn money honestly and in mutually beneficial terms.
We offer for sale our entire retail product line under TM FACTORIA-AGRO or PRIVATE LABEL for:
- Distribution companies
- Trade networks
- Food stores
- Specialty stores
- Online stores
- Catering establishments
- Sales agents
- Dealers
For our partners we offer the following conditions:
Favourable terms of cooperation
High quality of products
Availability of confirming documents and certificates
Training and information support
Long-term contractual relationship
Small and large wholesale
Delivery by courier companies
Can grant a deferred payment