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+38 (044) 240-04-20
+38 (044) 240-04-20
For customers
Dear customers!
For more than 25 years already FACTORIA-AGRO, Ltd. has been a producer and supplier of food products and ingredients for the companies of food, pharmaceutical, chemical, and paint industries in Ukraine and abroad. We also supply our products to the traders, distributors, to the trade networks and retail stores.
Starting with our acquaintance, we strive to achieve a full mutual understanding in work with a customer and to identify his needs as precisely as possible, so that our first delivery would be the beginning of a long-term mutually beneficial cooperation.
It is very easy to become a customer of ours. Simply choose the items you are interested in from our selection in our product catalogue, and while placing an order register as a new customer at a personal account. When registering, a minimum of data is required, so it will not take too much time. All your customer data will only be used in our internal system to identify you as a customer and can not be shared with the third parties.
Step 1
Choose the product in our catalogue.
Step 2
Place an order as a legal entity or an individual.
Step 3
Activate your personal account in your profile.
Step 4
Provide all required additional information for the order execution.
For wholesale customers
Our major customers are wholesale buyers that order our products in large quantities for their production needs. In this section you will find the detailed description of the process of ordering products in bulk through our website.
For retail customers
We have developed and launched a product line for retail consumers. In this section you will find the information on how to order it through our website, to pay and receive it.
For dealers, agents and representatives
We don’t stand still and always want to expand our sales markets. For this purpose we are open for cooperation with dealers, agents and representatives. In this section you will find the information on how to work with us.